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Are you ready... go beyond mainstream notions of illness and wellness?


You intellectually know or intuitively feel that:

» everything happens for a reason


» transformation is best initiated at the energy level


» all dis-ease is presenting us with a lesson...


...but it isn't so easy to integrate in real life as you encounter illness and pain...

It's time for:
a guided journey to clarify and experience Yourself so that you may stand unshakeably for Nature's truth.


Sensuality, aliveness 
and deep inner knowing
is where "unwanted"
pain and dis-ease...


What hardly anyone will tell you (because so few understand it) is that our obsession with the surface is what's most harmful for humanity and at the core of our struggle with pain, illness and dis-ease.


We are so immersed and trained to be present at the level where our physical senses rule that we forget the True reality - which is where to discover the secrets of health, happiness and vitality. 


A Divine thread - the spiritual fabric of all we experience is hidden...

...and longing for you to find it, as you too long to connect to it as well.


It's whispering... through everything!


The last place we usually seek it is - inside.


Yet, our own physical body represents one of the most tangible and reliable ways to connect, perceive and interpret it's nudges and access it's plan for us.


The game of Life is about healing...

To "win" is to dissolve ILLUSIONS - which are really what stand in the way of deep, lasting healing on all levels.


Earth is a realm designed for your awakening through both pleasure and pain...

...yet, in equal measure these opposites can each side-track you from your mission here.


It takes a wisened person to decipher between the Divine and the distorted, the distractions and the Truth...


This kind of awareness it what's actually missing for most people who seek profound and lasting healing…


It's requires no special skill as we all were born with this ability. Nonetheless, it takes a dedicated attention to clear what stands in the way and heed the direction of Nature within and without.


EVERY body is extremely honest… often revealing how you feel and what you know about things far more than your conscious awareness permits.


Which is precisely why it's such a key provider of (sometimes harsh) messages intended to keep us on track...

~ Your Body  ~

is inseparable from your soul and the levels of your highest knowing and purpose.

As you explore and embrace it ever more fully you will begin to receive the answers you seek about illness, its causes and requests.



​ you do, improved wellbeing is a promised consequence.

Furthermore, your body’s unique poetry  from its "temporary" ill-ness to it's "permanent" form contain hints and clues for your fulfilment.

The missing link to receive and interpret these fully is your inner awareness and sense of self.


By supporting a more Natural and intuitive approach to your Whole Being you can begin to connect many dots, embrace your form and appreciate your functions.

Here it comes...

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what's icluded?
Your body is a poem, It is not very tame. Made for pain and pleasure, To remind you Life’s

A unique body-awareness programme to help you go beyond mainstream approaches to wellness.


Your soul-body connection is calling to be reinforced:

» you're dealing with illness or dis-ease that you feel confused about, overwhelmed by or stuck on the path to healing.


» you're mental attitude or beliefs about illness don't match your emotional or verbal go-to's when it enters conversation or affects your loved ones.


» your investigation of life's mysteries, pursuit of spirituality or "the Truth" distracts you from your body rather than strengthening awareness and appreciation for it.


» you're longing to reach a deeper, more fulfilling experience of Life that fortifies you from the inside so that pain however severe can be gold-mined.

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Take this course when you're ready...



( which healing is a consequence of )

Join 'Beyond a Cause' to taste what you're really  longing for...


» 5 modules presented over 5 weeks

» A combination of pre-recorded and live materials

» Activations and explorations of your self and body

» A Pathway to decipher Your body's dis-ease for Life

» Unique classes on lightwork and body reflex maps

...and more.


1. The Game of Life on Earth

2. Recognition: what You're made of

3. Awakening Spiritual Memory

4. The Mystery of Form...

5. Hazy View: the Body + its Signals

+ BONUS mystery lecture!


The price will rise to 1200 but for this first run of the training you can enjoy special pricing at only €880.  

Guided by...

Amala spent many years fuelled by the questions "what are we? where to do we come from? where are we going?"


Her search became much more fruitful when she encountered some masterful guides and teachers who led her to reconnect with her inner world and abilities.


Combining years of professional experience as a Bodyworker, Trainer of Therapists and Energetic Consultant, as well as her significant personal experiences... she knows how to guide you through many stubborn illusions about Life, the body and your healing capacity.


You will be held and nourished by Amala's love and direction so that you may reach newfound clarity from within.

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"To me, illness is the Divine beckoning.

IF WE RESPOND TO IT AS SUCH... reminds us why and how to live."



 ...and, at the same time, complex... It has little to do with restriction, elimination or drastic outside adjustments. To avoid pitfalls and distractions quality guidance is an asset. Amala will steer you with loving expertise and ensure you have adequate tools to proceed independently when the course closes.

Do you have questions?

Deep, ancient wisdom, at your fingertips and ONW YOUR FACE-3.png

Class begins on 11th Nov '23!

» 5 modules presented over 5 weeks

» A combination of pre-recorded and live materials

» Activations and explorations of your self and body

» A Pathway to decipher Your body's symptoms for Life

» Unique classes on lightwork and body reflex maps

...and more.



Already signed up? Login here.

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